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Fuego Church Outside Concert

Date: May 15 - May 29, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Railyard Park - 469-309-4051
What are you doing on Wednesday, May 15th, 22nd or the 29th? Are you free? We are so happy to hear that, because WE want to invite YOU to join us at Railyard Park for an OUTSIDE CONCERT! ⁠

There will be live music and a great place to come and hang out with your family! ⁠⁠Make plans to join us! We’d love to see you!⁠
⁠¿Qué estas haciendo los Miércoles, 15, 22 o 29 de Mayo? Estás libre? Que bueno, no sabes cuánto nos alegra escuchar eso, porque te queremos invitar a un CONCIERTA AFUERA!⁠

⁠Habra música en vivo, y un lugar para pasar un buen rato con la familia! ⁠⁠Haz planes para acompañarnos! Nos encantaría verte alli!⁠


  • 7–8pm
  • 7–8pm
  • 7–8pm
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